Upcoming Events

Summer 2024

At this time NSBAG has no special events planned for the summer months. However, we will be working on some new things soon, so, check back for updates!

November 2024

NSBAG is planning another blank book swap for the fall, following the same format as last year.
More information here.

Past Events

May 30, 2024 Marilynn Rudi gave a presentation about the Postcrossing project and her passion for mail art. More
March 23 to
April 21, 2024
A selection of handbound books by some of our NSBAG folks were included in the Book Club exhibit at Hermes Gallery. More
April 7, 2024
Our group held a workshop as part of the Book Club exhibit at Hermes Gallery. More
January 18, 2024
Our group looked at a variety of pop-up books and then we made some of our own. More
November 29, 2023
The first NSBAG blank book swap took place at this meeting. More
October 14, 2023
NSBAG participated in the Halifax Nocturne art festival by inviting the public to help create a community art journal.  More
September 25, 2023
Jamie Pratt, the Halifax area representative of the Japanese Paper Place, spoke to our group about Japanese papers.  More
May 17, 2023
Joe Landry spoke to the group about various box structures and presented a wide range of examples from his collection.  More
May 2, 2023
Dalhousie University's Special Collections librarian, Karen Smith, introduced us to Douglas Cockerell's life and work and presented the library's Cockerell Collection of fine bindings and historic bindings.  More
March 7, 2023
Rhonda Miller presented her collection of hand made books and artists books from bookbinders and artists all over the world.  More
January 10, 2023
The January meeting was a social event during which we made some small bookbinding weights.  More
November 9, 2022
Dr. Stephanie Morley of Saint Mary's University spoke about her experience attending Jim Croft's "Old Ways" workshop in rural Idaho.  More
September 29, 2022
NSBAG's first official meeting; a show-and-tell and meet-and-greet.  More

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